Sivgin dalkilic

Born in Istanbul, Sivgin is fully dedicated to dance after completing her studies in Psychology (Université Lyon2 Lumière) and Master of Neurosciences (University of Barcelona). She graduates in Choreography and Interpretation from the Higher Conservatory of Dance of the Institut del Teatre with the piece Ars Moriendi in 2019, and continues her journey as a choreographer in the V Edition of the Choreographic contest Premi de Danza IT the same year.
During her studies in the Conservatory her pieces are invited to the Inaguration gala at the Teatre Ovidi Montllor, to the Transversal Festival in collaboration with ESTAE and to MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona).
She expands her vision and knowledge by attending workshops and regular classes in different dance centers in Europe such as École Peter Goss, CND Lyon, Henny Jürriens Foundation in Amsterdam where she also shows a solo in process in 2018.
As a performer, she is part of creations by Lali Ayguade, los Corderos and Aimar Peréz Galí within the academic framework; by Thomas Hauert (Hall del Mercat dels Flors). She dances in Pinkfish, the acclaimed work of Cía Ana Borrosa, with whom she tours in Spain at different festivals such as Mercè, Sismograf, Trayectos and others.
Some artists who fascinate her are William Forsythe, Sasha Waltz, Sharon Eyal. Her choreographic vocabulary is characterized by twisted forms, structures that create multiple vectors in space, and presence that is nurtured from metaphysical search. She is interested in creating a dreamlike poetic universe on stage that absorbs the viewer into itself and offers a new gaze at the world. Currently her focus of interest is to bring her two fields of stud closer together and seek a feedback dialogue. Parallel to her creations, she continues her research activity, participating for instance to the Dance and Research Congress organized at the University of Seville, with an article on "aesthetic appreciation of dance and neuroscience" to the Dance and Research Congress organized at the University of Seville in 2018. She also dances and teaches tango since more than ten years.
She started her dance training in Istanbul during highschool studies with ballet, contemporary dance and Argentine Tango. In 2006, she moved to France for her Bachelor in Psychology in Université de Lyon 2 Lumière (2010) with the graduation work on the plasticity of body scheme after training. She then moved to Spain for her Master Degree in Neuroscience in Barcelona University (2013). Finally she completed her BA on Choreography and Performance at Institut del Teatre in 2018. During her academic studies she enriched her artistic training by taking classes and workshops in Europe. She studied ballet with Amy Raymond (The Forsythe Company), Maurice Causey (Henny Jurriens Foundation, Amsterdam 2016), Wayne Byars Studio Harmonic, Paris 2010); improvisation with Thomas Hauert and more.
During her studies in Institut del Teatre, she was involved with choreography, creating short pieces in and out of the school context. She collaborated with Paloma Muñoz in the creation of a duet work Confabula which was shown in MACBA (Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum) and preselected for BE Fest Birmingham European Festival) in 2015. As a performer, she collaborated in the collective performance of Ciegos, an intervention in the public space organized by the visiting Brazilian Company Urban. She also took part in creations by Catalan artists such as Lali Ayguadé, los Corderos, Aimar Peréz Galí between 2015 and 2018 in the academic frame. She participated in the workshop and performance directed by Thomas Hauert in Mercat dels Flors in 2016.
She collaborated as a creative dancer with Company Ana Borrosa between 2018 to 2020 in the creation of Pinkfish. The piece toured in Spain in different festivals and venues such as La Mercè, Sismograf, Trayectos Zaragoza, la Pedrera, Teatre SAT, Cádiz en Danza.
In 2019 she made her debut as a young choreographer with “(Un)certain journey” , a work for five dancers reflecting on the idea of destiny. The piece was selected as one of the four finalists and shown in the prestigious dance house Mercat dels Flors in the frame of the Premi Dansa Institut del Teatre 2019. She also collaborated with Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya for the creation of a video art exploring the themes of the piece. After the pandemic she received a creation residency and funds for creating a longer version of the piece in Auditori Sant Martí. In 2023, she won the second prize in the Estruch Choreographic Contest with this piece.
As an artist mother, she got interested in dance for the youngest public. With the Catalan visual artist and puppeteer Clementina Kura-Kura, she co-created “Punto Rojo”, a piece combining dance
and shadow theater for familiar public 0-3 in which they explore the visual perception by playing with light and shadow, basic colors and the shape of a circle. The piece pre-premiered in July 2023.
She collaborated as a creative dancer with Company Ana Borrosa between 2018 to 2020 in the creation of Pinkfish. The piece toured in Spain in different festivals and venues such as La Mercè, Sismograf, Trayectos Zaragoza, la Pedrera, Teatre SAT, Cádiz en Danza.
Bordering her artistic practice as a choreographer, she is interested in interdisciplinary research, combining her education in psychology, neuroscience and dance. Her article on the aesthetic appreciation of dance and neuroscience was selected for exposition and publishing in the Dance and Research Congress organized at the University of Seville in 2018.
In the same direction, crossing two artistic disciplines, she designed a workshop putting together plastic arts and movement for introspection with Clementina Kura Kura.
She also collaborated in the documentary “Solo se mueven” by Arturo Fuentes premiered in CCCB Contemporary Culture Center Barcelona).